Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Mod Mobile

Kid's and messy cars are so synonymous that its almost a cliche at this point, but oh boy is it true. To be totally honest I was never one to have a spotless car, but when I added one baby and then another to the mix...the mess was taken to apocalyptic levels. There's just so much stuff when you have kids, and when you get out of the car you're holding the baby, and the diaper bag, and the sippy cup and trying to wrangle your toddler out of harm's way. The last thing you want to do once you successfully make it inside is to go back and pick up that mess. Its gotten a little easier now that they are a bit older and both can walk to the front door unassisted, but there is still that mountain of trash, toys, mail, etc. But I'm trying. And I'm hoping when these little babies get to me, it will that much easier for me to do. Cutest trash cans for your car ever! And I love that they can hook on the back of my seat, enabling my kids to toss their own trash. These ingenious bags also use those little plastic doggy poop bags, so emptying them is just a matter of grabbing the baggies and tossing 'em in the trash. And come cold season the visor tissue holder will be amazing, no more digging through my purse every thirty seconds or trying to grab the tissue box from under the car seat (so dangerous I know). And finally, with over fifty different fabric choices, you're sure to find one that you fancy.

Find these and more at The Mod Mobile.

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