Thursday, June 30, 2011

What's on the Menu?

It’s amazing how much you forget in 2 years. Add regular forgetfulness to baby brain mush and its amazing you can get out the door with keys, bag, & oh yeah…kiddos.

Boy Wonder numero 2, at times, makes me feel like a rookie mom. Not only is every baby different (soooo different!) but trying to remember what comes next in sleeping patterns, floor exercises, toys, teething, & eating…well…its like you’re the newbie mom again. Yes…it makes it exciting and new-but frustrating and challenging to be perfectly honest (I know ya feel me mamas!).

The point I’m getting to. Its intro to new solids in our house right now. Top that with my lil man has super sensitive skin and is allergic to a few things already…I’m extra careful of what I’m giving him. I love that you can get organic baby food just about everywhere…but nothing compares to the feeling I get when I can make it from scratch in my favorite appliance right now. I love to cook…and cooking for lil man is the best. What I forget is what to cook.

Here we go. Simply Baby Food Recipes. Fantastic blog with not only instructions, but for me…it triggers inspirations for new foods and food pairings. Love that she breaks down her recipes into categories like picky eaters and popsicle recipes (boy wonder numero 1 and I have already tried the yogurt & cantaloupe one. YUM!), just to name a few.

A lot of the recipes and tips are pretty basic…but when you are coming to the table with a baby brain…basic is just what you need:)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Unique LA Shout Out #1-Hello Hanna

So we’ve found out a few of our neighbors that will join us at the Unique LA summer show. Hello Hanna is the first one I’m excited to see.

Super cute paper company (if I haven’t said this before…I love paper-stationary, real books, etc.) that makes everything from place mats to cupcake stands (check out their wishing tree…such a great idea for birthdays, showers, anniversary parties). I love how simple their designs are…but as they say…simple so you can add your own creativity to them if you want. They’ll give you a few ideas with your purchase…or you can use just on their own.

Loving these place mats above that include stickers so your kiddos can customize. Actually I can see the Hubs customizing his own to be honest;) Boy Wonder #1 loves helping me prep & set the table…he’ll be all over these place mats!

First shout out of the summer show…Hello Hanna!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Movie Express

I am a self claimed movie junkie. I love all movies good and bad (I think I've said this before). Bottom line, my boy wonders...will probably end up being junkies too:)

Looking for summer fun deals to do with my nieces and the boys (well, BW2 will not benefit from this deal) I saw that Regal Cinemas are doing their kid summer movie express again. I remember taking my niece a few years back & I'm so happy they are still offering it! Local Regal theaters will offer $1 movies (and of course all of the goodies your wallet can splurge on at the concession stand;) for the summer.

Just type in your zip and a list will pop up with times, dates and titles (Uh...I think we're in for Charlotte's Web fo sho!).

Love it...and with Boy Wonder who has yet to sit through a movie...for a buck...its a no brainer;)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Friday!

I'd serve your Sangria in this pitcher if I were you-gorg!

It’s Friday and the first weekend of summer so to me that means partake in a summery beverage of your choice. On the menu this weekend…Sangria.

I’ve tried many different recipes (yes, I’m a 39 year old wino-and proud-don’t judge;). The one that I prefer is the one without the added alcohol, so you can actually taste the wine. I love this one below, simple, refreshing and you can still cook (or tend to children) if you have a glass. I was in line at the market a few years ago and a cute little old lady a la Mrs. Roper was behind me. She simply stated “Oh honey-are you making Sangria with all that fruit and wine?” I said yes and she gave me the absolute best tip ever. Instead of adding any club soda or sparkling water and ice cubes…make your ice cubes out of sparkling grape juice and add those to your pitcher. Not only does your Sangria not water down…you don’t need too much it.

4 Tbls. Sugar (to your liking)

1 cup water

1 bottle red wine (since we’re not adding all the hard stuff to it…make it a decent bottle…nothing too fancy-just something that is tasty to begin with) I love this one

1 orange thinly sliced

1 lime thinly sliced

Any other fruit you wish & however much you want-strawberries, pears, pineapple, etc…

Dissolve sugar in water in large pitcher. Add wine, fruit, & grape juice cubes. Stir until cold. Pour into glasses making sure everyone gets their fruit serving for the day;)

Happy Summer!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

1st UNIQUE LA-Summer show!!

We're in again!!

We're so excited that Pinky Swear Designs was chosen to attend the first Unique LA summer show! This will be the first Unique LA on the west side and its sure to be a super fun weekend.

Saturday & Sunday July 30th & 31st at the Barker Hanger in Santa Monica (I know...what a fantastic location!) over 250 artisans and their goods will be there offering you the best of the best in apparel, art, home decor, stationary, food, wine, spirits, jewelry (uh-that's us) and a lot more of course.

We'll highlight some of our new neighbors in the weeks to the meantime...mark your calendars!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Its the first day of summer and I love it. Even though we have to get through this June gloom over here, I know that the sunshine, beach days, pool fun, and numerous BBQ's are on the way.

I love Sam Cooke's version of one of my all time favorite songs. It makes me daydream about swinging on a porch (or sometimes its a tire swing hanging from a weeping willow;), barefoot in a sundress, drinking some lemonade all while watching my boys play in the sprinklers. The only sound is their laughter & the bugs.

Until the Hubs whisks us away to this place in my head (he's originally from a little boonie town in the he dreams these little dreams too), I'll play this while making some jewelry-and really fantastic play dough sculptures;)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Friday -Happy Father's Day!!

The stars lined up for Lo and I when it comes to a lot of things...most importantly...our hubs:)

When looking for a song today for all those papas, daddy's, dads, pops, & dadas out there, it was hard to find one that wasn't about daddy leaving, dying, or preaching. I am fortunate enough to know a lot of fantastic dads. Papas that genuinely love being papas and do diapers, tub time, playtime, time outs, etc...not because they have to or should, but because they want to.

Here's to all of you great fathers-single or part of a team- Happy Father's Day...Let's Mambo!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

All Aboard!!!

The boy wonder is turning 3 next month (it’s flying by waaay too fast!). I think I’m pretty lucky so far…he hasn’t become completely obsessed with anything yet. He loooves everything. He loves garbage trucks, constructions trucks, airplanes, cars (both fast and slow…really doesn’t matter), pink & purple sparkly things (he's secure with his feminine side, as are we:), dinos and trains-just to name a few.

One of his favorite things to do is take a train ride…just like every other kiddo. So when thinking about his 3rd birthday theme…trains were it. Believe me…I know the day is coming when I wont have a say in picking the theme to his party (or anything else right?) so I cherish these days-big time.

So…here I go again. I began looking for non Thomas the Train party décor. He likes Thomas…but doesn’t love Thomas, so to me that meant “look for something different and impossible!”

Hello!! I fell in love with this sight. Everything you can think of for a train party…all under one cyber roof. Best of all…they had Thomas but not only Thomas…actually, a lot of non Thomas. Our theme is old west vintage trains…and yep, everything from vintage train toys & whistles to train cookies, lollipops, costumes and décor. This site mixed with my party throwing obsession ideas…boy wonder & friends are sure to have the best time this side of the tracks.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Friday!

Today is the start of a crazy busy weekend for me and the family. My youngest, my baby, will be graduating from preschool today. I can't believe my wild and crazy girl is going to be in kindergarten! Then we have birthday parties, ice skating and her first dance recital. The end of the school year madness begins! Thought I'd share a few things I've done this week.

Since my daughter's birthday is in the end of July, she celebrated her birthday in class this week. We saw these Despicable Me cupcakes on Pinterest. The originals were the twinkies on top of cupcakes, but I thought a cupcake plus a twinkie might be a bit much for a classroom full of preschoolers, so we just put them on top of some 'nilla wafers. The kids loved them and thought they were hilarious.

And the flowers are for my daughter's teachers. I found the tumbler glasses at Target (so loving the Calypso line! the clothes, the home stuff, its all sooo cute!) Then it was over to Trader Joe's for some flowers and voila, a pretty, summery bouquet. Wish I could have taken a picture of these in natural light, because the colors are gorgeous!

Hope you have a great weekend and we'll see ya next week!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kids Bowl Free!

Summer is fast approaching, as is the repressive heat. Escape it this year at the bowling alley! Apparently summer is the slow season for bowling alleys, so in a huge nation wide promo tons of alleys are taking part in the Kids Bowl Free program. Kids bowl free, up to two games a day all summer long. And there's an option to buy a family pass for $24.95 for up to four adults to bowl all summer as well. Such an awesome deal! Find a participating bowling alley and more information here.

BowlARama print by Allee Creative Works, find it here.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy Friday!

I am back from the abyss that is a 24 hour tummy bug. So this week's video is for The Husband for taking care of me and our babies till I got better. Thanks babe!

Hope you all have a happy and *healthy* weekend!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Teacher Appreciation

My son's class already gave his teacher a big teacher appreciation gift and have collected money for an end of the year gift as well, but I like to write his teacher's a heartfelt note and add a little something to it. She's taken care of my son all year long, I feel like just a little something to express my gratitude is the least we can do. Here's a few DIY ideas and some small tokens to buy: