Wednesday, April 1, 2009

From the Desk of A.J. - Date Night!

Date Night. . . remember those? When I was younger I would literally start the "what am I going to wear" plan on Monday, or whenever I hung up the phone with whomever. . .so make that Thursday. . . night. . . late night. Aaahhhh boys.

Now, with a kidlet, my husband and I have a date night maybe once a month. We have to try and plan around Auntie's, Uncle's, Grandma and Grandpa's social schedule (can we give a shout out to all of those relatives that baby-sit for free!!!) but we make them happen. Its good for your marriage, makes you a better, more sane parent and allows you to feel. . . adult. A normal human being on this planet Earth.

A little din din, a great glass of wine, a movie, comedy (here's $25 bucks, make me laugh!) a play, a concert, maybe even a sporting event (for the hubster) or even just perusing through a Barnes and Nobel or music store (remember those?! I miss my Tower Records and Music Plus, Licorice Pizza, anyone? anyone? I will dive into this much deeper in the future, its something I'm just not willing to let go of). All of this and not wondering if you need to change a diaper. . . did he drop his favorite toy, does he need his cereal puffs, is ho going to let me finish this meal, or is he being too loud for the table next to me. Our boy is sweet and well behaved, but you know what I mean.

Don't get me wrong, its not like you actually forget about them. Oh no. You and your partner in crime will actually spend the whole evening talking about them. Your children are your life, end of story. And no other person will indulge you and actually want to contribute to the conversation just as much if not more the that person you share them with . But going out and talking about you children when they are not around to interrupt you is. . . priceless. . . and much needed.

Enter Goldstar. I signed up to this website over a year ago and I have not been disappointed yet. The site has special offers from comedy to concerts, plays sporting events, you name it, its on there. They have special offers that can sometimes be half of the normal price! Sometimes it may be a little late notice, but its because either the concert opened up more seats after the stage was arranged or they do not have a full house on a Thursday. Either way, it's great for date night. Besides, since they offer such a great discount on tickets and events, you'll have more money to shop with. And buy all that pretty PinkySwear jewelry you want (shameless plug).

So, if you need to get out the house and have some adult conversation about your child/ren and what they have done during the week, what better way to do it than during intermission at a playhouse? Especially a playhouse that doesn't entail you pick up afterwards??

Sign up (for free!) on Goldstar here.

*Picture above is from an offer Goldstar has right now $19 for a ticket to Tchaikovsky's The Sleeping Beauty (normally $38) Just what your husband wanted to do this weekend!!

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