Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy Weekend!

As far as I can recall, we have nothing planned this weekend. But I may be lying to myself. But if its true, and the weather stays like it is today I plan on doing nothing but vegging out and maybe crafting a little. I ran across this egg dying kit on a really cute little online store I like, Mahar Dry Goods. They use old silk ties to wrap around the egg, and the pattern of the tie gets transfered onto the egg. It makes for some pretty sweet looking eggs, but I was certain someone out there had posted a How To so I could create my own kit. And the internet did not fail me. Oh I love thee, Internet. The picture above is from the "how to" I found on a blog called Our Best Bites. And delightfully not only do they outline exactly how to make the eggs, it happens to be a pretty awesome little site filled with yummy looking recipes I'm dying to try out (like this dressing, and these cookies). Its down to earth food from down to earth gals, and while I aspire to greater things, is right up my alley since I am a lazy and unimaginative cook.

If you try to make these eggs, let me know how it turns out! And I'll be sure to post after we try it. This weekend might just be spent tie hunting...

Tie-Dyed Eggs (or Silk-Dyed Eggs) How To is here.

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