Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Goobeetsa Pins

Tomorrow (or rather today for you guys!) will be the first day of school for my four year old. Its the first year he's needed a real backpack and we've searched high and low for a backpack that we all can like. I was really trying to stay away from the Power Ranger/Spiderman/Transformer monstrosities that seem to be ubiquitous this year, and wanted something that I can use for him for longer than this year. My little guy isn't passionately attached to any backpack we've seen, so when I suggested we get him a plain one and he could pick out pins to go on it, he was all about it. I like that we can add and subtract "pieces of flair" as needed. I got really excited about this plan when I found these adorable pins. He loves monsters and pirates, and these are sweet enough to (hopefully) pass muster with his somewhat conservative school. And at $1.25/each, he can pick quite a few without blowing my budget.

Find the pins here (also check out the cute prints!)

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