Thursday, March 4, 2010

Jeff Friesen Wild Life Prints

These prints by Jeff Friesen have been all over the blogs lately and I thought I'd share them with you for two reasons. One being that they are beautiful and funny and would be great in a kid's room or any room. But my second reason is that when I first saw these prints I immediately thought of my kids. One of my kids favorite thing to do is to use my camera. I've found that if they are stir crazy, or bored with their toys, I can give them my camera and they'll happily take pictures for quite some time. We bought my son a "kid's" camera awhile ago, but he never used it since the viewfinder was non-existent, and these being modern kids, they wanted to see the picture they took as soon as they were done hitting that button. I've shown them the basics on my camera, and now they are little pros, deftly switching from picture mode to video mode to viewing mode. I have a few rules to try to protect my camera (like only using it in carpeted rooms, just in case it drops). They've also been warned not to touch the lens and other delicate spots. I should also mention that I have a fairly simple Canon Power Shot, so I'm not handing over a $1,000 DSLR. Most of the pictures they take are of the ceiling or blurry and unrecognizable. But some turn out beautiful and amazing and its just fun to view the world from their eyes for just a bit. Its a great rainy day or lazy afternoon activity.

Find the Wild Life Prints here.

*A rare Abominable Snowman sighting in my living room.

*Not sure what this is, to be quite honest. Triceratops Tower?

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