Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Friday!

Thought I'd share some things that I'm loving right now:

  1. This idea from Decor8's post on decorator Jan Elani - Scanning, then resizing your children's artwork to make a single print of all their work! I love this idea! (check out the post to see the rest of her gorgeous house. Those floors!) Another sweet idea for kid's artwork is to scan them in and create stationery (seen on designsponge here)
  2. Small Magazine's Spring 2010 edition - Lovely spring-ey freshness
  3. Geoboards - I'd never even heard of these till I read this post, but think my kids would love love love this. Basically its a pegboard with screws or push pins in it that you can stretch rubber bands across to make different shapes. I know my maze loving five year old would get a kick out this. Here's smaller geoboards you can just buy (but I think the bigger, homemade version looks like more fun for my pre-geometry kiddos)

Have a great weekend!!

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