Tuesday, June 2, 2009

From the Desk of A.J. - Breadwinner Breads

Gifts. I think I mentioned this before…but gift giving season is all year round, with some peaks and lows…but never the less, all year round. I love giving gifts. I love making them, baking them, buying them, wrapping them up and finding the perfect card to go with. I’d love to say that Pinky Swear offers the best gift for every occasion…but I can’t…and I don’t think you’d believe me if I did (although our lovely jewelry is really close to being the best gift for every occasion:)

So. My favorite gifts to give are usually ones that I have received before and have luuuurved so much I want to make someone else just as happy as I was when I opened it. Rewind to almost a year ago. The Hubster and I were in our “new parent fog” of being home with a newborn for about 4 days. I literally was watching the Food Network on baked goods and my mind, body, and soul yearned for something baked and yummy. Neither one of us wanted to bake anything…being in a sleepless, euphoric delirium that a certain baby boy had put us in. Ding dong…”who’s that?”. It was the UPS man with a package! As I have mentioned previously…any package arriving at your door is an excitement all in its own…being new parents…we had received a lot of ding dongs during that time and it was still exciting. Anyway…we opened up the package to find…two “Bunk Breads”. HA! Sweet breads from this fabu bakery named The Bread Winner. We were given a perfect pick me up gift…”Houdini Zucchini” and “Papa Don’t Peach”. Yes…those are the names…and there are a lot more where those clever ones came from. Lovely family owned (we love that) bakery that ships yummy…oh so yummy, sweet breads for you anywhere. Perfect for a housewarming gift (which I just recently sent), new baby arrival (hey, along with a certain piece of jewelry it would be the perfect gift...I'm just sayin') anything you can think of. And did I say they were yummy? I’m a picky person too…I bake and anyone who bakes knows it’s hard to impress oneself with other peoples baking skrillz.

So…when you need a gift for someone…or you need a pick me up after anything (new baby, new house, long day of shopping), be a Bread Winner and send some sweet treats:)

Find Breadwinner breads here.

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