Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday! I've been itching to get some Easter decorations up, but really wanted to try to use stuff I already had. And of course Her Most High Priestess Martha Stewart was a great inspiration. I saw this egg garland and decided to try my own. I quickly decided that I didn't want to use as many eggs as she did. Instead I staggered the eggs and used some left over crepe paper to make pompoms. Strung them all up on some twine, and voila. Easter garland. The hardest part was getting the eggs out of the eggshells, but I only broke one (and I used a good old fashioned sharp stick and my mouth, not a fancy "egg blower" like Martha says, I'm scandalous like that). After that I walked around my house and pulled things that seemed spring-ey to me and re-merched the mantle. I think it turned out cute, my husband thinks its weird (something about it being weird to decorate with real eggs). What do you think?

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