Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Friday!

The littles and I are starting to get back into the crafty swing of things in the new house. I'm proud to say this idea came directly from my five year old. We set out to make some houses out of cereal boxes, but discovered we didn't have any cereal boxes. Which lead to me dumping out a box of mac and cheese thinking we could use that. When that wasn't working out so well, my son suggested we just glue the noodles down and make dinosaur fossils. I gladly tossed the house idea to the wind and we started making some dinos. I gave them some spaghetti noodles as well, which my son preferred for their more bone-like shape (and he could easily break them into the size he needed). My three year old was happy making gigantic puddles of glue on her paper into which she sprinkled noodles. She later told me they were dinosaur tracks. :)

Hope you all have a nice, relaxing weekend!

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