Friday, December 17, 2010

Aaaaaaand Scene

Fa La La La La!!!

I am back for our final blog of the year, I know…its like coming back from vacay and clocking in for a day before you go on maternity leave, but it’s just how it worked out:)

So here I am, ending 2010 as a madre of two boys. I can’t believe I’m the mama pushing a tandem (I really should have been asked to take a test to drive this thing…one too many diet cokes and I can take someone out easy)

The holidays are “the holidays” to me. As in I’m thankful for a merry treat trickin’, happy new year. Yep…they blend together and I'm giddy as a little girl from when they start to once they end.

At the end of each year, I tend to look back and thank my lucky stars I am still here, reflect on what I have accomplished, learned, and of course, what I want to improve on /change for the better in the year to come.

Here are our top ten reasons for loving 2010 and saying hello to 2011 according to Pinky Swear Designs:

10. The “other” Pinky Swear company who threatened us with “court documents” way back in the beginning of the year has finally realized we’re not giving up our name. You heeeeard me:)

9.…it allows us to oooh and awww over every collection as if we were in the Grand Palais in Paris sitting next to Karl himself (avec big black sunglasses of course, oh and a hat!)

8. Chocolate…I really think it played a major part in me kicking the baby blues so quickly. It helps release endorphins I’ll have you know;)

7. Unique LA…this “little” show has brought us to a whole new level and has been such an incredible fun outlet for us mama design obsessed fools. Not to mention…it’s keeping this little engine running:)

6. FaceBook-seriously…what an amazing forum for Pinky & personal use to spread the love…and its free…and we get to connect with people even if we’re stuck at home ‘cause someone has pink eye (it’s a glamorous life sometimes)-‘nough said.

5. Friends and fam…as in the ones we talk to off of the FaceBook walls…you know who you are.

4. Coffee…I think it speaks for itself.

3. Nap time…this really deserves to be, like, numbers 5-1, but for now…its 3. Nap time =lunch break/re-grouping (peacefully)…in both of our houses.

2. The Hubsters/loves of our lives, aka graphics department and tech support/CFO. Honestly…we married the same man…just 15 years apart…scary.

1. Our kiddos, aka, the beans, aka, boy wonders, aka, duders # 1 & 2. We’re doing this venture for them. We started Pinky, not only to get rid of some nervous design/artistic energy…but because one day, we’re hoping this will all pan (2 years and still going!) out and we’ll be able to stay home with these babes foreva and continue to raise the true works of art that they are.

Just a quick shout out to these things that we love…and that includes all of you too:)

Talk to you next year!!!

Peace, love, and wine
Love Aj & Lo

p.s. we’re just (b)logging out for the year…you can still and always order a necklace;)

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