Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Sensible Princess Shoe

Almost a year and a half ago at Disneyland, my daughter lost a shoe. My dad took her into a store to get a new pair. She emerged with diamond and jewel encrusted, glittery "Little Mermaid" flip flops. They are the last shoes I would ever pick for her (I tend to gravitate towards the simple). But oh my goodness does she love those things. Diamonds are missing, her heel hangs off the edge, but she still wears those shoes more than any other. We had to drag her away from a pair of purple flats with a pink jewel the size of a half dollar on the top the other day. The girl is just drawn to the sparkle when it comes to shoes. And this is a little one who has never even seen a "princess" movie! I can only imagine what will happen once those come into play.
Looking around this week for some new fall shoes for my daughter I came across these beauties. I think I've finally found a shoe we both can love. I love that they are still tennies she can run around in, and she gets her all important sparkle. Oh, that sparkle. I love the red (like a tomboy Dorothy! Love!) but the pink and silver are equally as cute. (And they also make the pink and silver in a slip on version!)

Find them here.

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