Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Great Blogs for Kiddie Activities

My love affair with the blog world really started from an internet search for a how-to (how to do what, I don't remember now!) But as I'm sure you'll agree one internet search begets another, and the same is true of blogs, one blog will mention another, which mentions another, and pretty soon you have seven windows open and a plethora of fantastic ideas. I was lucky enough to be raised by parents who love a good craft, and a grandma who had a project for us every time we came over. Several times I'll think, how in the world did Nana do that, or my dad do this, and the internet almost always holds the answer when I can't get ahold of the appropriate family member. I started a blog about our family awhile back to keep family and friends in touch with our daily lives, and since then I've been asked over and over where I get my ideas from. Some come from my childhood, some from my own overactive imagination, but its equally as likely to have come from a blog I've found. Today I thought I'd share a few of the sites I go to often for inspiration for activities with my little ones (and some of our favorite activities from those blogs!)

Pepper Paints
This newspaper hut is one of the first "internet" activities we attempted and the kid's loved it (what kid doesn't love a great indoor fort?)! Though it only lasts a few days, its always a hit (and a great rainy or scorching hot day activity)

Found this blog, when someone else blogged about the "Squiddlies." I've been trying to get my reluctant four year old to try new food, and thought this was a fun way of showing him that trying new things can be fun (and yummy!) This is one of my absolute favorites blogs now. She always has fun, messy, creative things that we can do with stuff laying around the house (and she has a great sense of humor to boot).

Can't remember how I found this blog, but found the idea of freezing toys in ice (see above pic) for the kiddos to excavate here. I like that she has a lot of activities that my little one (who just turned three) can do and enjoys.

Now get out there and make some messes! :)

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