Thursday, August 13, 2009

File these under "someday, perhaps after I win that jackpot, prolly never" but I am head over heels in love with these tiny earrings. Since the babes were born, wearing dangly earrings became a dangerous habit, and now it just feels weird so I've stuck to studs mainly. But a good little earring is hard to find! Love that these would look just like diamonds and gold from a casual glance. Subtly subversive. love love love...

Spider earrings by Iwona Ludyga (find them here)

P.S. My four year old just walked up as I was previewing this post and said,
"Are those spiders?!" I said, "Yeah, spider earrings!" "Oh Mom, you gotta get dos!" he replied. Now I really really want them!! :)

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