Wednesday, August 5, 2009

From the Desk of A.J. - Decor by Color Blogs

So I don’t know about you…but sometimes I get obsessed with trying to find something that perfectly matches. By sometimes…I really mean all of the time.

It’s been a character flaw? Bonus? Whatev…of mine since I can remember. Poor mom had to have my sleeves cut off of my 8th grade graduation dress…and have them re-done just the way I wanted…because I saw it in Seventeen mag or something. I had to have mom…now Grandma spray paint the blue and white BIG numero uno piñata a few weeks ago camouflage (which btw…she did an AWESOME job) because it had to match the camo theme of little dude’s party. Anyway…I’m still and forever will be that girl that needs to find the “perfect match/detail”. Thanks heavens I got the mom that I did:)

Lo and behold…Décor by Color. Found it looking for…now I can’t even remember…but fell in love with it. Basically…it’s a blog about shopping (of course)…but BY COLOR!!!! So…if you're decorating…or trying to find that perfect gift for the friend that loves all things black and white…or pink and brown…or blue and green…or RED… or many other colors…this is the blog for you my friend.

You can look up or sign up for each individual blog…and they post their findings everyday. It’s a pretty broad range to boot…from house décor…to purses and appliances and more. Its super fun to cruise through and you can get some great ideas as well.

So…when I’m looking for that perfect little something for my house…or to wrap up…my perfect little bonus flaw will be oh so happy…color me happy:)

Find the blogs here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for featuring Decor by Color! I'm the same way with having to have things match perfectly, and I'll search ENDLESSLY to find it. Hence why I started the blogs!! I'm so glad you found them and find them helpful! :)
