Thursday, February 3, 2011

From the Desk of A.J. - Wubbanub

The Boy Wonder #2

I’m trying really hard not to compare my 2 boys…but how do you do that? They are very similar in many ways (they look exactly the same…we pretty much made a clone), but different as far as temperament, eating habits, and everything else.

One of the best gifts I received was a little pacifier called the Wubbanub. It came in a little box, with a little card that said “hope you get some sleep…and know it will get easier. BTW, don’t send me a thank you”. Given to me by one of the “mommy friends” from Boy Wonder #1’s mommy and me class.

So…this pacifier…a regular hospital pacifier but it had this little small perfectly sized plush toy sewn to the handle part of the paci. I thought, “how cute”. Little did I know…what I meant to say was “HOW GENIUS!!!!”.

The Boy Wonder numero uno never wanted a paci…and I was sooooo happy with that. I didn’t want him to get the bucked teeth people are always talking about and I didn’t want him to be the four year old in line still sucking on his binkie (I know…I’m judging…I’m strictly talking about me:). He was mellow and just feel asleep…never fussy…nada.

Boy Wonder #2? Not so much. Immediately, as in the hospital, we knew this one was going to be a bit more sensitive aka fussy. I tried soothing him…rocking him, the Hubs did his Barry White humming Boy Wonder #1 loved so much. Nothing worked. He was a bit gassy…but over the weeks the doc just said “he’s a bit on the sensitive side…he just needs a little extra tlc”. No problem. Then I remembered…my gift!!!

Tore that puppy (literally) open, washed it and let the babe at it. He LOOOOVED IT!!! And while all the other pacifiers fall to the side…this one can be propped up by its bean bag body, and its soft & squishy, and you don’t lose it in your bag. GENIUS! (of course, invented by a mom;)

At 3 months, we’re just getting out of the fussy stage. He’s already over the pacifier (he has found this amazing thing called a thumb), but I’m telling you…I don’t care how many hours we used it…every time sweet boy calmed down and got that peaceful look on his face I thought of and thanked the mama who threw it together in her hotel room on vacation and the mama who was so sweet and thoughtful enough to give it to me as a gift. Mamas helping mamas…one thoughtful gesture at a time:)

Find Wubbanubs here!

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